School Governors

Welcome to the Governors section of our website. The aims and values of the school at the centre of everything we do as governors. Our priority is to ensure each and every child receives the best education possible.

The Governing Board contributes to the strategic leadership of the school by working in close partnership with the Headteacher and school staff to provide both support and challenge. We are not involved with the day-to-day management of the school.

Our Governing Board is made up of a range of people with different skills and experience to support the strategic running of the school.

The core functions of governance are:

  • Clarity in the vision for the school, its’ ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding our executive leader to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff
  • Overseeing financial performance of the organisation and making sure the money is well spent
  • Ensuring that stakeholders voices are heard

Our specific statutory responsibilities include:

  • Safeguarding
  • Special Educational Needs
  • Pupil Premium
  • PE and Sports Funding
  • Equality
  • Curriculum
  • Health and Safety

We monitor these in a variety of ways. We read and review documents, visit the school, talk to staff, pupils and parents. We ask questions to find out what is happening and sometimes commission external advisers to seek their view.  We use the School Improvement and Development Plan to ensure that the school is focussing on the right things to continue to improve and offer the best for pupils at The Bawburgh School.

Bawburgh Governing Board operate as a Full Governing Board and does not have any committees currently. We have designated governors when committees are required for specific purposes such as Appeals. We form working parties when we need to undertake specific pieces of work that require additional input.

If you would like to find out any more about school governance please contact the Chair of Governors via

As of Sept 1st 2023 our partnership with Barford Primary has become a formal Federation.

Our Chair of Governors is Chris Scott, who can be contacted via

To contact the clerk please email

I’m Chris, I am married to Rachel and we have 2 children who attend the Bawburgh School. We have lived in Bawburgh since 2010. I have worked for the NHS for last 26yrs.   I became a Parent Governor in April 2018 and have recently been appointed to the role of Chair.  I feel very privileged being a member of the governing board, assisting the head teacher and the staff strive for improvement.  Ensuring the school runs as effectively as possible and delivering the best possible education for our children.

Hi, I’m  Sandra Lubbock, and I joined the governing body in November 2018.

I have worked in schools, specifically schools finance for the last 22 years in a number of settings including: Local Authority, Academy, Multi Academy Trusts and the Independent sector.

I wanted to become involved with the school as a governor as I feel I have gained quite a lot of experience during my career in finance, HR, premises management and Health & Safety. I would like to be able to pass this on in some way and support the governing body in order to allow the school to develop its full potential.

I currently work as a Bursar at a small Independent Prep School in North Norfolk, any spare time I have I like to spend with my family and walking my very pampered pooch Max.

I am a retired primary school teacher, with over 30 years’ experience in the classroom with responsibility for assessment, science, design technology and French. For many years I was a parent and staff governor.

We moved to Barford 10 years ago, to help family with childcare. When my granddaughter joined Barford school in 2015, I found myself becoming increasingly involved, firstly with Forest School, then also with the library. Our granddaughter has moved on to High School, but I’m still enjoying the involvement at Barford!

I joined the governing body in Spring 2021 and have seen many changes in that short time.

I was pleased to be a member of the Working Party which helped with the decision-making process to form the Federation with The Bawburgh School. I have every confidence that the future of both schools is now safe and secure.

Governors have oversight of all areas of school management, but my particular interests are in the well-being of staff & pupils and in all areas of curriculum development.

I am the Head of School at Barford primary. I have been teaching for 10 years, following 20 years working in the banking industry. I was a governor at my own children’s primary school for over 20 years, firstly as a parent governor and then as a Local Authority governor, and was the chair of the governing board during its federation with another primary school.

I look forward to working as part of the Barford and Bawburgh governing board as we work together for the benefit of all of the children across the federation.

As a new co-opted governor to the Barford and Bawburgh Federation, I am very much looking forward to supporting the Federation to continue to develop. 

I am an English teacher and have experience of working within mainstream schools as well as leadership within specialist education. I now have a role supporting secondary schools to develop bespoke support for students with SEMH needs, an area I am passionate about. 

I have two daughters who attend Barford Primary School. It has been lovely to watch them grow on their educational journey there.

In 2020, after 8 years of working with children with autism and complex needs and achieving a first class degree in BA Hons Childhood Studies, I began my initial teacher training. This included two terms of placement at The Bawburgh School. At the end of my training I was very fortunate to be offered the opportunity to join the school as the reception class teacher. I am now in my third year of teaching and have enjoyed getting to know the school, staff, children and families over the past few years.

While I am new to the governing board I am delighted to be staff governor and I am incredibly passionate and committed to supporting the visions, values and development of the Barford and Bawburgh Federation.

I am delighted to join as the new Parent Governor. With a background in IT, I hope to bring my experience to assist with an ever more digital educational environment. As a resident of the wonderful village of Bawburgh, and as a parent lucky enough to have two children attend The Bawburgh School, I am deeply committed to supporting the Federation’s mission and ensuring the best educational experience for all students.

I look forward to working as part of the board to bring my experience and enthusiasm to help benefit all staff and students in both schools.

I am a new parent governor and look forward to working with the governing body. My son is enjoying being at The Bawburgh School and loves it. I hope that my experience of being an Operations Manager and a Human Resources Manager for over ten years will benefit the Federation. 

My wife and two small children love living in the village of Bawburgh and feel very lucky to have such a great local primary school on our doorstep.

I retired from my job as a Specialist Learning Support Teacher just over a year ago. Although retirement seems to be just as busy as my working life, I am very pleased to join the Board of The Barford and Bawburgh Federation sharing the role of SEND Governor. With long experience of working with children in schools across Norfolk, I plan to put this to good use in support of a first class education for the children in the B and B Federation. In my spare time I enjoy travelling, reading, gardening, cooking, and spending time with my family (some here and some in America) – and my cat!

Miss C. Stedman, Executive Headteacher

The Bawburgh School, Hockering Lane, Bawburgh, NR9 3LR

Tel: 01603 742329 | Email:

Requests for paper copies of any information provided on our website can be obtained free of charge.

The Barford and Bawburgh Federation

Barford Primary School
Chapel Street, Barford, Norwich, NR9 4AB

The Bawburgh School
Hockering Lane, Bawburgh, NR9 3LR