Flamingos Class

Hello and Welcome to Flamingo Class

Flamingos is the Reception class here at The Bawburgh School. Mrs Dring is the class teacher and she is joined by Miss Rogers and Ms Lain.

Here in Flamingos we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, focusing on children's early learning and development. As part of this curriculum, we recognise the momentous importance of children learning through play. Children are encouraged to be explorers, inventors, actors, artists and much more through child initiated, adult led and guided play.

Alongside the abundance of opportunities to learn through play, children will also engage in adult led learning. Phonics and maths will be taught daily to support early reading, writing and numeracy skills. Additional adult led sessions will focus on a range of topics and subjects to deepen children's knowledge and understanding of the world around them and build upon key skills in areas such as expressive arts and design and physical development. Opportunities to embed their new learning will be provided through the means of continuous provision. Continuous provision consists of resources or activities which allow children to continue their learning either with or without the aid of an adult.

Communication and language and personal, social and emotional development are fundamental to children's cognitive development and ensuring they lead happy and healthy lives. Here in Flamingos, we aim to provide a language-rich environment through high-quality interactions, reading stories, poems and rhymes, singing and opportunities for storytelling and role play. This is underpinned by establishing strong, warm and supportive relationships that creates an environment that enables children to develop crucial personal, social and emotional skills. We work hard to provide children with the necessary skills to recognise and manage their own emotions through communication, play and learning.

Throughout the year, Tapestry is used to document children's learning. Parents are encouraged to engage and interact with Tapestry as it enables children to recognise the links and partnership that is so very important between home and school.

Here is to a very exciting year in Flamingos!!

Warmest wishes,
Mrs Dring, Miss Rogers and Ms Lain

Miss C. Stedman, Executive Headteacher

The Bawburgh School, Hockering Lane, Bawburgh, NR9 3LR

Tel: 01603 742329 | Email: office@bawburgh.norfolk.sch.uk

Requests for paper copies of any information provided on our website can be obtained free of charge.

The Barford and Bawburgh Federation

Barford Primary School
Chapel Street, Barford, Norwich, NR9 4AB


The Bawburgh School
Hockering Lane, Bawburgh, NR9 3LR
