Hello and welcome to the Kingfishers!

We are the year one and two class with Miss Strachan as class teacher and Mrs McGregor as the teaching assistant.

Kingfishers covers the whole Key Stage one curriculum so over the two years in Kingfishers we cover all national curriculum content for both years 1 & 2 through a combination of whole class teaching and separate year group sessions.

Phonics is taught daily in year groups following the Monster Phonics scheme. We also use Bug Club as an additional reading scheme. Children also have regular handwriting sessions following the Kinetic letters approach and discreet spelling sessions.

Other subjects are taught as a whole class with a clear focus on the different objectives for each year group. There is a real collaborative feel in the class as the two year groups work together, supporting each other through discussion and shared tasks.

We use ClassDojo to communicate with parents and upload news and photos regularly.

Over Key Stage One we get to look at some brilliant topics. They include:

History: Significant people such as intrepid explorers; Rosa Parks, Ruby Bridges and the civil rights movement; events much further back like the first Olympic games and finding Tutankhamun's tomb; kings, queens and castles; the history of homes and transport.

Geography: Oceans and continents, our local area, making and using maps, comparing the UK to an African country, weather and seasons, hot and cold places.

Science: Everyday materials, plants, habitats and micro-habitats, humans and animals as well as super scientists and their amazing achievements.

Tasks and projects are as hands on and collaborative as possible using resources and manipulatives in Maths, drama in literacy and history, experiments and outdoor sessions for science and geography.

So with all that to fit in, it’s time to get going!

Miss Strachan & Mrs McGregor


Quick Links


Oxford Owl

Kingfishers Timetable

Miss C. Stedman, Executive Headteacher

The Bawburgh School, Hockering Lane, Bawburgh, NR9 3LR

Tel: 01603 742329 | Email: office@bawburgh.norfolk.sch.uk

Requests for paper copies of any information provided on our website can be obtained free of charge.

The Barford and Bawburgh Federation

Barford Primary School
Chapel Street, Barford, Norwich, NR9 4AB


The Bawburgh School
Hockering Lane, Bawburgh, NR9 3LR
