Norfolk Music Hub Summer Workshops
We are delighted to launch an opportunity for students across the county to join the Norfolk Music Hub Summer Workshop for some free online summer workshops. This is free for any young person between the age of 6-18 who is living in Norfolk.
Have fun!
Letter from Headteacher 1.5.2020
Dear Parents/Carers
As we come to the end of another week in lockdown, the staff and I just wanted to tell you how well you and the children are doing with the home learning. We have really enjoyed seeing pictures, reading emails and hearing from you. It’s also lovely to hear from the teachers that the children are working towards or exceeding their accelerated reader targets – we’ll have to start sending badges home in the post! As I have said in previous letters, please do not feel ‘guilty’ or ‘inadequate’ if you are unable to get your child(ren) to do much at home, do what you can, the most important thing is that your child(ren) feel safe and loved during this very tricky time. When school is back open we can sort the rest.
During the week we received a lovely photo of two of our pupils holding a very large rainbow, you may have seen it, they were featured on Look East on Monday. The staff and I thought it would be nice for us to start a gallery on our website of photos that make you smile. It would be great if you could send us some photos of your child(ren) at play, at their happiest, creating, working etc so we can spread a little happiness. If you are happy to do this, please send the photos to: making it clear to Mrs Watton/Mrs Duffy that the content is for the Smile Gallery on the website.
Due to lockdown continuing and the not knowing when it will end, we would like to start to offer printing out your child(ren)’s home-learning. If you are struggling with printing and need help, please let the office know what you would like printed, you will then be able to collect between 9-11am when the office is manned. The same goes for exchanging reading books, if you need anymore just make contact with your class teacher, who can sort out some new books and leave them at the office for you to collect. Please make sure you let the office know when you are able to collect.
Unfortunately, it is inevitable that any one of us might experience a bereavement during this current crisis. Please remember that we are still here for you if you need us. We are able to arrange telephone consultations with our resident school counsellor Andre, or with Mrs Lister our Thrive practitioner, or if you just need a listening ear with anyone in school please make contact. There are also a number of local and national organisations that you can turn to for support (please see attachment). Over the coming week we will also be adding bereavement support information to the website for both children and adults.
We currently do not have any plans to open the school on the bank holiday, Friday 8th May, next week due to the childcare provision not being needed. However, if you are a critical worker parent with no other option for child care, please contact the school and we will open for you.
Please do keep in touch, we are really enjoying hearing from you and thank you for engaging with the ‘new way’ of learning during this school closure. Thank you also for your supportive emails and boxes of biscuits/chocolates they are very much appreciated. If there is anything you need from us or want more of do let us know and we will do our best to accommodate. We miss you all, school is not the same without you, keep safe and we hope to see you all very soon.
With best wishes
Carla Stedman and The Bawburgh Staff
Coronavirus Support for parents, carers and children
Dear all,
As the impact of Coronavirus continues to affect our lives I thought it might be helpful to add some useful websites and information that help to support and keep our children safe. The below links and posters have some excellent information and ideas.
Kind regards
Mr Johnston
Letter from headteacher 1/4/2020
Dear Parents/Carers
I hope that this email finds you well and that you have managed to find some kind of routine over the last week.
As I mentioned in the email that went home last week, it is really important that you look after your own mental well-being. We are having to live and work in a way that is so very different from the norm and this is likely to cause stress to everyone involved. Whatever you are able to do with your child(ren) during this time will be GREAT, whether it’s sitting around in your PJs watching films, baking, gardening, painting or completing some of the work set by the teachers. Do not put yourself under any more pressure as it will only result in feelings of guilt and inadequacy and quite frankly it is just not worth it.
The teachers will continue to upload work for the children to complete onto the website on a weekly basis and this will be communicated to you via their chosen platform: Tapestry, Dojo or Parentmail. These are suggestions only, there will be children who will get up every morning and happily complete the work with little need for prompting, bribery or encouragement. However, I would imagine the majority of children will really struggle to motivate themselves and will point blank refuse to do any even with the offer of your help. Please do not worry about it, we are all very realistic about what will be achieved at home, and remember the majority of us have children and are going through exactly what you are going through.
I was sent this earlier by an educator I follow on social media:
‘If you have structure to your day, are working out and managing to home school your kids without pulling your hair out – YOU ARE DOING A GREAT JOB!
If you are sometimes sticking to a timetable and taking time out for yourself whilst doing fun stuff with your kids – YOU ARE DOING A GREAT JOB!
If you are barely getting any work done, haven’t yet managed to get your kids out of bed before midday, but are still managing to keep this side of sane – YOU ARE DOING A GREAT JOB!’
(Jaz Ampaw-Farr) We echo these sentiments!
School is going to be closed for the Easter holidays, however will reopen if the childcare needs of our critical workers’ change (please contact the school office email if this is the case). Term starts again on the 20th April and will be open only to children of critical workers who are not working from home or have no other option. Communication will go out over the holidays for you to book the days you require.
Thank you for your patience, understanding and commitment to our school. Enjoy a chocolate fuelled holiday where you can.
Best wishes
Carla Stedman and The Bawburgh Staff